Thinking the Journey

Mountaineer, Friend, Partner, Youth Worker, Spiritual Adventurer of No Fixed Abode.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Seeing with new eyes

Seeing with New Eyes takes an honest, thoughtful and personal look at post christendom spirituality and I think some important things are likely to be said there. I have been thinking along similar lines to the quote below, but hadn't yet put it so eloquently, co-herently or succinctly.

I am slowly becoming clearer in what I believe
and I don't believe in the idea of original sin anymore. I believe in the innate
goodness that lies within all of us and I believe that this innate goodness is
the spirit of the divine that pulsates through the universe and through every
living thing.


Monday, September 04, 2006

Spot me I pray thee?

It struck me before that a climber spotting for a partner could be mistaken for a pentecostal Christian praying for said partner.

Thanks Planet Fear for the pics to make my point and accompany your article on The Art of Spotting.

Thanks Dave for making sure that my ankles remained unbroken and my Arse unlanded on earlier today.


Friday, September 01, 2006

Sperm by post? Gay Parents?

Friends, ministers, theologians, thinkers, humans, women, men, ethicists, scientists, psychologists, Others, I would love some thoughts on this- the more diverse in origin the better!

What does everyone think about this? The civil partnerships act is fab in beginning to give the same rights to gay couples as to straight couples. But should these 'rights' extend to having the ability to scientifically tamper in the reproductive process. As a lesbian woman do I have a 'right' to fertility treatment as I could not naturally have a baby, or should this be reserved to hetero couples for whom the process of male and female making a baby is natural?

Somehow for me the whole sperm by post thing seems to be messing with nature. Life is sacred and should be brought about under conditions of love, not scientifically and clinically begun. But we do not apply this argument to straight couples who have fertility treatment as the fella is firing blanks or otherwise impotent- we seem quite happy to begin life in a scientific and clinical way then.

And what about the bringing up of a child? Should this be done in single sex partnerships? Is it important for a child to have both male and female role models in a home? Or is it more important that they grow up in a secure loving environment? Are we adversly affecting child's development by bringing them up in a same gender relationship? What if there are lots of significant adults in their life outside of the partnership?

Lots of thoughts- answers or more thoughts anyone?


I've just returned from fab weekend at Greenbelt.

I feel spiritually refreshed and inspired thougth physically tired from lack of sleep as there was just too much fun to be had at night time.

Helping to facilitate the survivors programme was rewarding although tough.

Camping with Young LGB Christians was fantastic, and really affirming and accepting.

Some of the next few blog entries are likely to be the product of reflecting on various aspects of the festival, whether it is from random conversations over a beer or a coffee, seminars, worship or simply general thoughts thought in the festival atmosphere.
