Taking a day off words.
I like the BBC's Week In Pictures and other picture stories. It gives an opportunity to reflect on some of the significant events of the week, either for those who don't like words- or for those of us who are too worded out at the end of the week to use them meaningfuly anymore.
Sometimes when we are constantly thinking, theologising, philosophising, reflecting, writing, reading, talking, debating, it can be good and restful simply to sit back and find other ways to be and to reflect.
I also like that there is a Your Week In Pictures section- where readers can send in significant pictures from their weeks. I found powerful images amoungst both sets this morning- that said so much more than the words could... although the picture of Gordon Brown's dog carrying a welly didn't have the effect of making me realise what a Jolly Good Average Nice Bloke he is... which I'm sure is what it was intended to do!
Sometimes when we are constantly thinking, theologising, philosophising, reflecting, writing, reading, talking, debating, it can be good and restful simply to sit back and find other ways to be and to reflect.
I also like that there is a Your Week In Pictures section- where readers can send in significant pictures from their weeks. I found powerful images amoungst both sets this morning- that said so much more than the words could... although the picture of Gordon Brown's dog carrying a welly didn't have the effect of making me realise what a Jolly Good Average Nice Bloke he is... which I'm sure is what it was intended to do!
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