Thinking the Journey

Mountaineer, Friend, Partner, Youth Worker, Spiritual Adventurer of No Fixed Abode.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

What is it about the Charismatic I have moved on from and Why?

Last Saturday was a fab meet up day with others from round the country to discuss this. has posted some 'official' feedback and notes. (and yes when I get settled in to my new flat with broad band I do solemly swear I'll figure out how to do nice tidy links).

One of the big questions I went to the day with was "What is it about the Charismatic that I have moved on from and why?"

I think a lot of it is about the control and manipulation I have percieved in Charismatic Ministry, although the real thing is good there's a lot of controling stuff thrown at vulnerable people under the name of 'ministry' and that bugs me.

Also there's stuff about it being seen as a quick fix solution to life issues, when frankly what the person who's gone for prayer needs is some good quality therapy and support to help them work through the issues and wakl through them for themselves, not have God surf in like a superhero for a quick fix that puts them on an emotional high but then leaves them to crash, if not on Monday morning but at some other point in the week. Paulo Friere in Pedagogy of the Oppressed talks about when you work with someone working along side them and learning from them rather than comming in as the superheroe coz that can just be oppressive and makes them dependant on you. I think that God is more likely to work by coming along side and journeying with us in our journeys rather than doing a superman fly down and pick us up effort.


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