Thinking the Journey

Mountaineer, Friend, Partner, Youth Worker, Spiritual Adventurer of No Fixed Abode.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Awe and Wonder II has an interetsing conversation going on at the moment about the evidence and proof for God, something that my unlce who sent me the link on has pointed out that we have none.

I looked back over the astronomy pictures on the link today though. I think that the difference between myself and a rational, scientific thinker, is that for me the existence of the infinitude of space matters, because I love the 'wow factor' the 'awe and wonder' brought about by seeing an amazing picture of the cosmos of which we are a tiny part. I'm not so interested in the bit of blurb below which tells us all about the picture and how the phenomenum we see appeared.

To apply this to God, I guess I am more intreseted in the intrinsic knowledge in myself that makes my heart miss a beat and makes me stand in awe and wonder when my spirit connects with The Divine than I am in the proof and evidence and explainations from God. I'm not saying that either is bad. Maybe this is one of the differences between the spirituality of a scientific age and the spirituality of a post modern age?


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